One of the most affordable Kindle promotions groups available, Just Kindle Books has promotional options starting at $15, and going up to a modest $35. . . and they’re even cheaper when you use the Just Kindle Books Promo Code PAIDAUTHOR for a $5 discount! They...
Format your Book for Kindle on FiverrMost authors compose their book using MS Word or a similar program. Before your book can appear on Amazon Kindle however, it needs to be properly formatted, including a clickable table of contents, chapter headings, etc. This...
Book Kitty is a joint project between several Facebook pages. They promote Kindle books exclusively (no no iTunes, or Nook unfortunately). They’re one of the cheapest promoters around however, and for just $5 they’ll share your book cover, link, and...
We recently did a free book promotion with BookBub. For those of you who don’t know, BookBub is a book promotion site that lets readers know when there is a discounted or free book on either Kindle, Kobo, iTunes, or Google Play. For authors, BookBub is a great...
Recently we did a KDP free promotion for a book one of our resident authors had published. Generally when we run a free offer, we try to schedule as many promotions as possible so that we can climb as high up the rankings as we can. For this promotion though, we...
There is a well known phrase: “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” The truth however, is that many people DO judge a book by it cover, so as an author, you need your cover to be an excellent representation of what’s inside. Here are some...